[Seoul] Pre-Wedding Photo in Korea with Studio Wonkyu+ (Day 2)

After a good night’s sleep, we woke up early the second day getting ready for our wedding photography with Studio Wonkyu+ in Seoul, Korea. At around 8am, our translator, Sandra, picked us up at our hotel and sent us to Soonsoo to have our hair styled and makeup done. Located in the affluent Seoul district of Gangnam, Soonsoo is a beauty salon frequently visited by Korean celebrities, as evident by the autographs on the wall!! We might not be a super star in real life, but we were definitely treated like one that day!


Click to read more!

[Seoul] Pre-Wedding Photo in Korea with Studio Wonkyu+ (Day 1)

Over the past few months, I have been busy planning my own wedding (yes, I am getting married this year! Woohoo~). As a bride-to-be and “chief” of wedding planning, I understand how stressful and frustrating things can get. There are millions of things we need to decide on and the to-do list just seems never-ending. It doesn’t help if you’re an organized person or control-freak. The pressure is always going to be there, until the big day. Do I have to tell you how much more difficult it is to plan an overseas wedding? (Yes, we are flying back to my home country, Taiwan, to host the wedding). Of course, I hired a professional wedding planner in Taiwan to help take care of the nitty-gritty, but there are things she just can’t help me decide.

Pre-wedding (or engagement) photo-shoot is among one of them.  Click to read more!

[ 亞伯達] 夏訪班夫國家公園,橫穿約翰斯頓峽谷 (Johnston Canyon, Banff National Park)


今年夏天一到,我就嚷嚷著要凱文帶我到班夫避暑~ 上個月一有空,我們就前往約翰斯頓峽谷 (Johnston Canyon) 健行!



[韓國] 到韓國人家裡做客,體驗道地韓國料理



今年夏天,我跟凱文飛到韓國拍婚紗照,順便觀光。出發前,我輾轉的認識了Anispoon (又名「愛食粉」)這個平台。 繼續閱讀!